Posted by Madison Erlandson on 30th Jul 2016
from W&P Design
I am really into matcha as a coffee alternative in the afternoon- it is a great mellow caffeine that gives you a boost of afternoon energy without the crash two hours later! It is also a great source of antioxidants and is genuinely refreshing unlike some coffee drinks! W&P lists their favorite matcha powder below but I really love Trader Joe's Matcha Green Tea Latte powder because it has a hint of sweetener added in there so all you have to do is shake is all up together for a slightly sweet taste that's just right! I love to make myself an afternoon matcha latte and bring it with me in my traveler mug!
Iced Matcha Latte
You could say we're a little bit obsessed with matcha over here. What's not to love? The green tea is made into a finely ground powder and has a number of great health benefits. Plus, it packs a jolt of caffeine that's perfect for getting you through that mid-day hump.
Our favorite way to enjoy matcha is in an Iced Matcha Latte with almond milk. We recently discovered that it's super easy to make an Iced Matcha Latte in the Mason Shaker. So we've been shaking up these Matcha Lattes on the regular. Give one a try! We think you'll enjoy it.
Iced Matcha Lattemakes one drink